City Kidz

"I want every child to know that they matter to someone. That they are loved, significant, and created by God with a purpose and a destiny. Unique and one of kind." Todd Bender 

This mission is transforming the lives of Hamilton inner city children, breaking the cycle of hopelessness, and ending child poverty. They instill faith based values and teach children to do the right thing. 

Visit city Kidz

The Hamilton Dream Center

Empowering Families & Individuals to Succeed  

with Dignity and Purpose

The mandate of the Hamilton Dream Center is to help change the destiny of the neighbourhood by reaching out to vulnerable residents-the disadvantaged. Our priority is to support working families (and families on Employment Insurance Benefits) living below poverty. Although we also provide assistance to many who are on Ontario Works, and Disability Pension.  We are dedicated to helping families and individuals by providing basic necessities & special occasion supports that go beyond their financial limitations.

Visit The Hamilton Dream Center