Our Values

First and foremost we value God the Father, God the Son(Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. To be like Him is our highest glory. To live in His presence our highest achievement.

We value a culture where His presence is sought, where the supernatural works of Jesus are evident and where the prophetic voice of God is heard and where worship and prayer is consistently practiced. 

Our goal is to see Heaven invade Earth, establishing a revival culture where Heaven's relational government is valued; where we relate to God through the blood of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit; where we relate to one another in a culture of honor, generosity and love; where marriage is a lifelong covenant union before God with one man and one woman; where life begins at conception and ends with natural death and where family is protected and strengthened by the body of believers. 

We value faith that takes risk in a culture of grace, confrontation of sin in a culture of love and honour, and freedom to live, love, laugh and be creative. 

We desire covenant relationship that is valued more than agreement and carries with it willingness to influence and be influenced in humility and peace. 

It is our passion to establish an apostolic environment where sending is valued as much as gathering and all believers recognize their calling to minister in their individual spheres of influence and where our goal is the establishment of Heaven's Culture on earth.